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4dx Movie Theater Panda Rolling Premiere, Tan Weiwei Is Invited To Give A Voice

- May 16, 2018-

On September 13th, the 4dx Movie Theater film "Panda Rolling - Finding a New Home" jointly produced by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and Shanghai Hema Culture Science and Technology Co., Ltd. was held at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. On the 15th, Panda Roll will be shown to the public. It is worth mentioning that the singer Tan weiwei has also been honored by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum as an honorary title of "public welfare ambassador". In addition, Tan weiwei also contributed to the protagonist charity.

The film tells about an Asian panda that is called Rolling because of the disaster in the forest where it lives. Bamboo is blooming and the food is unsustainable. In order to change the predicament, Rolling and his little companions, the older panda called Jiuge” and Bamboo Rat, they started a difficult journey in search of new living place. During this time, he witnessed the great friendship and defeated the fierce squadron and eventually achieved a thrilling growth.

It has been produced through the ultra-realistic full CG. It contains more than 900 model elements, totaling more than 950 million faces and 50 million hairs. It covers a total of 10 species, more than 30 character productions, 27 scene productions, and more than 30 A prop production. While ensuring science, the film realistically integrates characters and scenes into interesting plots and presents them to the audience, and adds a large number of 4D special effects points to create an immersive and excellent viewing experience.


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