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Constantly Evolving Virtual Reality Technology

- Oct 05, 2018-

Constantly evolving virtual reality technology

The traditional information processing environment has always been the "adaptation" of computers, and our goal or philosophy is to gradually adapt the computer to people, so that we can participate in visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and physical, gesture or password. Go in an information processing environment to get an immersive experience.This kind of information processing system is no longer built on a single-dimensional digital space, but built in a multi-dimensional information space. Virtual reality technology is the key technology to support this multidimensional information space.

Virtual reality technology puts you in an illusory and independent "universe." Augmented reality is different, and computer-generated information can be superimposed on the real world in real time.When you look at augmented reality devices or wear devices with augmented reality software and cameras (such as smartphones, tablets, headsets, or smart glasses), the program analyzes the incoming video stream and downloads a large number of Scene-related information, and superimposed on relevant data, pictures or videos, and often presented in 3D.


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