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In 2018, There Will Be 1.5m VR Machines Shipped

- Dec 21, 2017-

Yesterday, Canalys released a new report. The report predicts that the 2018 VR all-in-one shipments will reach 1.5 million, with annual compound growth of 140 percent and 9.7 million units in 2021.

At the same time, Oculus, HTC and lenovo's new VR all-in-one machine for different market segments will also drive rapid growth. Canalys expects that VR headsets will help the VR head-to-head market (all VR hardware) shipments reach 7.6 million units in 2018, double the number of shipments this year.

"The extra cost of the first look, to a certain extent, inhibits consumers' desire to buy," said Vincent van gogh, a research analyst at Canalys. In addition, if it doesn't catch up with the holiday buying peak, it will lose a great market advantage. But the launch of new products will stimulate consumers to buy impulse. So Oculus' s Oculus Go, launched in October, has largely boosted the VR market this year.

In addition, "HTC will be able to attract more high-end consumers with its VR all-in-one Vive Focus, launched in November for 3,999 yuan," said Canalys research analyst. In addition, the launch of the Vive Wave platform will further integrate VR content platform. It is not hard to see that HTC is trying to get rid of sales and get into more valuable content. Content development is an important development direction for VR future, and more VR business is being discovered.

Canalys said that in 2016, China gained a leading edge in the VR headmarket, but manufacturers quickly realized that high cost performance was not the best strategy, and technological breakthroughs were the most important. For example, had little monsters with VR machine the Pico to success in the market, decided to conduct high priced sales strategy, at a higher price to sell its next generation high configuration of new products, to seize the high-end consumers.

The report also pointed out that the introduction of VR machine, enables us to the requirement of position tracking technology has greatly improved, many current VR head show vendors are committed to research and development capabilities, more accurate locating and tracking effect for VR head show a better experience.

VRPinea will also write a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the current VR one in the current market, and interested friends can keep an eye on our WeChat push.

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