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Movie Power Welcome You To 2017 GTI Asia China Expo

- Sep 09, 2017-

With the rapid development of China economy, the impact on the world economy is significantly enhanced, attracted a lot of industry investment in the eyes; especially in the gaming industry, but also by the impact of the "Regulations" and "electronic game entertainment management business city" two places set up a profitable policy, led to substantial growth of demand for commercial game machine and vr equipment market. Showing a vigorous development trend, the future development of attention! Jointly organized by Ho Co. Ltd and Guangzhou Exhibition Service Center Co. Ltd. ninth Guangzhou Games International Industry Exhibition (GTI Guangzhou exhibition) will be held in September 2017 13 to 15 in the Chinese import and export business trading exhibition hall A District, this exhibition is set up for the intention to expand the market, purchasing products China Chinese game industry the platform manufacturers.Calling on the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and participating in the exhibition with the most powerful and potential overseas manufacturers, we will also carry out various industrial, export, business and information exchange activities so as to step up the pace of expanding the Chinese market.

In 2017 ninth GTI Guangzhou Fair will continue to "games machine", "children's entertainment", "amusement park facilities""vr equipment simulator” of the four major themes of branch, theme, clear classification, more conducive to improving the efficiency of exhibitors of the exhibition and professional buyers purchasing efficiency.


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