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VR, AR and MR will be the embodiment of the new labor force in the future

- Oct 10, 2017-

VR (can you fully immersed in an artificial world), AR (a kind of real-time computing camera image position and Angle and combined with the corresponding image, video, 3 d model of technology), MR (can mix VR and AR interactive) gradually speed up the development of, one day, the way we look at today's full of revolutionary equipment will like the way we look at the first mobile phone, but is a big bricks, attached to a mess of line OUT.

The fear of artificial intelligence and robots will eventually replace human beings is endless, as machines in the real world take the place of manual work and the more intense the dystopian imagination. But as long as the world is still full of big data, designers, engineers, there is no need to panic, the current development trend of science and technology, VR, AR, and MR (mixed reality) completely with the interconnection of potential human and machine.

Caused by artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological progress and radical change, will also be redrawn the blueprint of industrial world, computing, graphics and interactive contains the new input power will make people work more efficiently, can also help us to understand the surrounding information into the development trend.

Imagine a no longer need to understand design, no longer need to create the construction plan and the real prototype of the world, AR/VR, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the combination of advanced manufacturing and generate design help human beings, machines are connected to the digital information, building environment. Designers and engineers have the ability to interpret difficult signals and extract useful information from their workspace.

Reshape the workplace and construction site

While digital information has overwhelmed designers, engineers, manufacturers and builders, the situation has become more complex and less profitable, but the nature of work is about to change in the next five to ten years.

Today, it is mainly built on paper data, and many architects are still planning in 2D. However, when the concept of 3D effect is clarified and the concepts are clarified, whether it enhances the information of the construction site or the virtual reality during the design review, the understanding of the information will be deepened.

Once fully integrated into VR or AR, people from different disciplines can simulate the design that has been built, or add a design to the work. This improves efficiency and understanding, making decisions better, more productive, and fewer mistakes.

For years, architects just looked at the perspective and said, "great!" But if they could see the same building information model in VR, they would say, "oh! The ceiling is too low, "or," that doesn't work."

For construction sites, AR has great potential. By helmet or glasses AR device (or even mobile phones or tablets), the contractor and the engineer can see the actual site of building information model, walk around, identify the problems in the built environment, and add comments, and then, these comments are automatically positioning to the digital model.

Visualizing data in AR and VR makes them invisible. For example, if engineers have limited analysis of the structural load, in the past it would have to take a huge spreadsheet form. Now, engineers can design a gradient map to look at the structural parts that might break, introducing a new feedback loop.

Better prototype design training

VR, AR and MR technologies can save on the hard and soft cost of projects - there will be fewer things to produce. For example, a car manufacturer makes a clay prototype. So what happens when engineers build virtual prototypes and make decisions based on VR models? These decisions are the models that can be calculated and articulated, rather than the engineers reviewing the actual models and manually moving the data back into the design. By replacing actual modeling with VR and incorporating it into the workflow, manufacturers have saved materials, time and money.

VR can rationalize construction projects: for example, when the architect design platform for the hospital, you need to determine from the operating room to the emergency room need to walk a few steps, an error in the calculation will be hurt at all. VR enables architects to better understand the design results before building them.

AR can also be used for training and re-education of factories or construction workers. Employees with decades of experience and knowledge of construction are almost retired, but they also have valuable information. Now, access to data in the next generation of education means that the workforce has benefited from hands-on learning and better training.

Technology in its infancy

Most people have already experienced AR, VR and MR, but only as a demonstration or visual solution at the end of a process, belonging to a spectator project. So how does this technology fit into the process, from design to simulation to training? This relates to the problem of centralizing and connecting the corresponding environmental data.

The way people work has changed drastically when the mainframe has given way to a personal computer. Then, the desktop was replaced with a laptop, and the data was moved to the cloud. In the next wave of computing, the device will disappear, the world (or body) will become interface and monitor - introduce new input methods, forms and display mode, the introduction of optical devices, perspective and high frequency, low frequency data will flow through the system.

As the device disappears, a tablet based AR or limited VR will be transformed into a smaller head-mounted device that will shrink the shape factor. Even before the actual hologram appears, it may take five to ten years. But in the next year or two, the company is expected to deliver an astonishing breakthrough.

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