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VR Technology Can Treat Autism? China Or Walking In Front Of The World

- May 22, 2018-

 In recent years, more advanced technologies have brought innovative solutions to this field. Among them, VR technology immersion treatment is one of the most discussed and potential new technologies. What is its progress in China at present?

Profession from School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University explained that VR immersion therapy is to improve the attention and stimulate imagination of children with artificial intelligence and VR technology, and bring them new training and intervention experience to achieve more. Targeted diagnosis and treatment results. The three characteristics of virtual reality technology are immersion, interactivity, and imagination. Children with autism have a lack of ability to communicate, interact, and imagine. The two are integrated together and have very good correspondence. This is Things that have been mentioned in the past year or two. In other words, VR naturally has a possibility to help autism.


 Shanghai Colorful Deer Children's Training Center is one of the first institutions in China to use VR immersion therapy. According to the person in charge, this course is now placed in the preparatory class, with a teacher, each class is 30-40 minutes, many Children are immersed in, and even have to control their playing time. In the current version of the five scenes, the child may prefer to play one or two scenes. He will play again and again. In the process of playing, he learned to listen through the immersive autism diagnosis and treatment system. For example, playing a balloon and playing a balloon of any color, he has a sense of direction and space. He has overcome his fear, resistance, and joyful experience. Coordination of body movements, in terms of follow-up, including attention and attention have been well trained, which we saw during the trial process. Throughout the training process the child is willing to accept. Because children with autism have a part of their training they are reluctant to accept. During the training process, we will use various means of reinforcement. If we can find that they are willing to accept it, they can continue to do activities and training for 20 to 30 minutes, which is very difficult. From the parents' point of view, they think this experience is very good. The person in charge of the Shanghai deer deer expressed that it is necessary to maintain cooperation with the two professors and continue to develop some new application scenarios to upgrade. I hope this technology can be used by more children soon and hopes to make breakthroughs in the future.


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