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Is Virtual Reality Safe for Children and Teenagers?

- Nov 24, 2023-

Is virtual reality safe for children and teenagers?


In the field of 21st century technology, virtual reality (VR) has pushed the boundaries of innovation and had a fascinating impact on consumer electronics. Its growing popularity among younger populations raises an important question: Is virtual reality safe for children and teenagers?


Definition of virtual reality technology


VR Shooting Game Machine

Virtual reality technology is having a major impact in various fields, including education. It creates an experience that transports users into an analog world, changing the way people interact with digital content. Today, virtual reality educational services are increasingly used to create innovative and immersive educational environments as well as indoor playgrounds for children.


Virtual Reality Definition

Virtual reality is best understood as a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment that users can interactively explore using a special computer interface. Typically, users wear headsets equipped with sensors that track the user's movements and adjust the user's perspective accordingly. To provide the best experience, some systems are also equipped with handheld devices that enable users to interact with the virtual environment.


Types Of Virtual Reality Applications

Virtual reality has a variety of applications, including:

  • Education: The application of virtual reality technology in education is changing the rules of the game, creating virtual classrooms and enabling learning through virtual reality. Some educational nonprofit museums use racing simulators to allow children to better understand events and themes. This provides students with a multi-sensory, immersive, and fun way to learn.
  • Gaming: Virtual reality creates immersive environments that make video games more exciting.
  • Healthcare: Virtual reality is used in medical training and patient treatment to create a safe virtual environment for practice.
  • Training and Simulation: Virtual reality provides hands-on training to industries such as aviation and military, simulating real-life situations.
  • Real Estate: Virtual reality provides potential buyers with virtual property tours, saving them time and resources.
  • Mental health: Virtual reality is used as a tool to treat a variety of mental health issues, including phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders. By creating a controlled, safe virtual environment, therapists can help patients face and cope with their fears.
  • Sports training and fitness: Virtual reality offers sports training simulators and virtual fitness programs, changing the way athletes improve their skills.
  • Film and television entertainment: The film industry uses virtual reality technology to provide virtual movie experiences, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the story.
  • Retail and e-commerce: Virtual showrooms, fitting rooms and shopping experiences are increasingly popular in the retail and e-commerce space, allowing customers to try and explore products before purchasing.


The importance of using virtual reality with children and teenagers


  • Virtual reality provides children and teenagers with an immersive, multi-dimensional visual experience that can change traditional ways of learning and playing. It promotes curiosity, creativity, and improves memory by letting users interact directly with materials.
  • VR can be used in education to simplify complex subjects, provide virtual field trips, and expose students to different cultures and environments around the world.
  • For teenagers, virtual reality has the potential to provide career training in fields such as medicine, engineering and aviation. Assignments can become collaborative and interactive experiences, increasing student engagement.
  • Virtual reality can revolutionize education and entertainment for children and adolescents, promoting their cognitive development, critical thinking and global awareness. With the right balance, it can be an important tool in shaping the next generation of thinking.


Benefits Of Virtual Reality


VR Kids Game Machine

Virtual reality offers many benefits to children and teenagers, especially in the areas of gaming, entertainment and education. For example, virtual reality games stimulate cognitive development and coordination in children.

Additionally, technological advancements like the VR Egg Chair further enhance the VR experience, giving teens the excitement and fun of racing games, city exploration, and even roller coasters.


For students


Using VR for educational purposes has revolutionized the learning experience for students in numerous ways:

  • Increase engagement and interest.
  • Provide an authentic experience.
  • Develop a variety of skills including problem solving, collaboration and critical thinking.
  • Provide a personalized learning experience.


For Educational Institutions


VR technology presents significant benefits for educational institutions as well:

  • Provide improved teaching tools.
  • Provide practical and real-life training experience.
  • Classrooms that promote interaction and collaboration.
  • Enhance institutional reputation and attract more students.

For Society


While the introduction of VR into society has been slow, it is gaining acceptance due to the following benefits:

  • The increased demand for VR has driven the development of related industries, created employment opportunities, and promoted economic growth.
  • Provide high-quality education in remote areas and promote social equality.
  • VR-managed tourism can significantly reduce the negative environmental impact of actual travel.
  • Using VR technology for medical training can improve the quality of medical services and ultimately benefit society.
  • Risks and concerns for children and adolescents using virtual reality
  • While virtual reality offers many benefits, there are also some potential risks and concerns about its use with children and teenagers.


Physical Health Concerns


Physical health concerns stemming from prolonged VR usage among kids and teenagers encompass a range of issues. Such as:

Prolonged use of VR may cause myopia or vision loss.
Performing repetitive motions in a limited real-world space can lead to injuries, while a sense of disorientation or imbalance caused by using virtual reality can lead to falls.
A long-term sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity and decreased overall health.

Psychological Effects


Prolonged use of virtual reality may lead to addiction and disrupt normal daily activities and learning patterns.
The immersive nature of virtual reality can distort users’ perceptions of reality and time, potentially causing confusion and anxiety.
There are issues with VR content that contains violence or is inappropriate for age groups, potentially having a negative impact on impressionable users, shaping their opinions and attitudes.

Social Influence


Because virtual experiences are primarily solitary, prolonged use can lead to social isolation.
VR may affect interpersonal communication skills, and users may prefer virtual interactions over face-to-face social activities.
Additionally, there may be a risk of inappropriate social interactions or bullying in virtual communities, requiring appropriate supervision and intervention.

How to make virtual reality safe for kids and teens


VR Kids Simulator

Ensuring the safe and responsible use of virtual reality technology is important for children and young people. By implementing safety measures, young users can be provided with a healthy and enjoyable VR experience.


Parental supervision and control


  • Set usage time limits and encourage proper breaks to avoid motion sickness or discomfort.
  • Limit content and play time with built-in parental controls.
  • Check the ratings and reviews of a VR game or app before allowing your child to use it.
  • Emphasize the importance of eye rest and regular activity.

Health And Safety Tips


  • Make sure there is enough space to avoid accidents when using VR.
  • Properly adjust and install VR equipment to ensure comfort and safety.
  • Encourage regular drinking of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Watch for signs of discomfort, such as dizziness, nausea, or discomfort, and stop using VR if necessary.
  • Before using VR, check your surroundings for obstacles or hazards.
  • Monitor your health and consult your doctor if you have concerns about using VR.


Recommended Vr Content For Different Age Groups


  • For children under 10, choose virtual reality experiences that are educational and colorful and avoid violent or scary content.
  • For teens ages 10 to 13, choose VR games that encourage problem solving, creativity, or physical activity.
  • For teens 14 and older, consider more complex games, but make sure the content is age-appropriate.

These guidelines don’t necessarily cover all potential risks, but they can certainly go a long way in ensuring a safer VR experience.



Virtual reality technology has huge potential to transform the digital world for future generations. However, the use of virtual reality technology by children and adolescents needs to be handled carefully, balancing the benefits and potential risks. With proper management and safety measures in place, virtual reality can be a tool that promotes development rather than harm. A balanced approach ensures the technology delivers a growing, stimulating and positive experience for young audiences.


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