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Movie Power's F1 Simulator Is On The Market

- Sep 20, 2017-

The latest Movie Power VR theme amusement park equipment F1 car simulator officially listed, its novel appearance, interesting VR racing gameplay, as this has been a recreation industry, a new vitality into!

With the F1 simulator such as coming to the front of each player, which gives players more free space to play. The open world setting, seamless racing scene, has won the acclaim of the major VR media. It can be understood that in the VR theme amusement park, the F1 car simulator experience equipment will be more attractive, it is a very classic must play.

As of 2017, Movie Power to create a new VR theme park racing equipment market, experience in high-rise buildings in the VR line, F1 car simulator with the three and six axis dynamic simulation stage, three liquid crystal display of the cool racing scenes and intense racing scenes. Among the many attractions, it will bring players unusual 

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