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China's Virtual Reality Market Will Exceed $10 Billion

- Sep 27, 2017-

China's electronic information industry development institute 26 released data show that in 2020 VR equipment shipments will reach 8.2 million units in China, the virtual reality the size of the market is expected to exceed 55 billion yuan, some technology, the application is expected to reach the world frontier level.

With the breakthrough of hardware and software technology, the performance of virtual reality products and price reduction are accelerating into people's life. In China's electronic information industry development institute, virtual reality industry association and other institutions in 26 Chinese virtual reality innovation entrepreneurship competition held in Beijing to start the ceremony, the Chinese academy of engineering, qin-ping zhao said the current virtual reality industry is in rapid development, has a huge market and improve the innovation system of China is expected to become the center of global growth in this field.

But at present, the virtual reality industry still is given priority to with start-ups, low industrial maturity, grasp core technology, the application of ecological problems such as imperfect, talent lack, be badly in need of convergence industry efforts, development force, improve the overall competitiveness


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