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VR, AR, MR, You Are Still Not Clear?

- Sep 27, 2017-

What is a VR

VR, namely the VR (Virtual Reality, VR for short), Virtual Reality is used computer simulations to create a 3 d Virtual world, to provide users of simulated senses such as vision, hearing, touch, let users as illustrates its general, timely, there is no limit to observe things in three dimensions. Virtual reality sees scenes and characters that are false, putting the user's consciousness into a virtual world. The most typical example is VR or VR live, such as a live VR concert, which you are not at the scene at all, but by VR, you can "virtual" to the concert site, which is VR.

VR has a number of products, such as Oculus, SONY's PS VR, HTC's vive and samsung's Gear VR, and the simple version of the VR device, the Google Cardboard.


What is AR

AR, the AR (Augmented Reality, AR), Augmented Reality through the computer technology, the virtual information applied to the real world, the real environment and superposition of virtual objects in real time to the same picture or space exist at the same time. Augmented reality sees a scene and a part of the character is true part false, is to bring the virtual information into the real world. A typical example is, see you in front of a shopping mall, directly to the naked eye to see it is a building, but after the Google glasses, can you see in the mall through tile current flow, discounts information, and the last time you went shopping out of stock of the goods shelves. Notice that you are in front of the store, which is a real mall, not a virtual mall.

The most representative products in AR today are undoubtedly Microsoft's HoloLens, and there are Meta2, Daqri, etc. Because AR is more difficult than VR, AR's development is not as high as VR

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What is MR

MR, the Mix reality (MR), includes both augmented reality and enhanced virtuality, which refers to the new visual environment created by merging real and virtual worlds. Physical and digital objects coexist in a new visual environment and interact in real time. Mixed reality is more like the combination of virtual reality and augmented reality, which is implemented simultaneously in virtual three-dimensional space. Like the example above, you are standing in front of the mall, equipment put on MR, do you see all discounts information, you can also look at the mall from plan to built the entire process, like you are involved in the building.

Ignite in Microsoft technology conference, Microsoft's chief executive, Satya, (Satya Nadella) in a keynote speech shows the upcoming mixed reality (MR) software and hardware, ford's presentation to a separate room, stylist through a forthcoming Microsoft mixed reality helmet display car design in the conference room.

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