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Explore The Space With VR

- Jun 10, 2020-

Explore the space with VR, the star sea is in front of you

Speaking of VR (Virtual Reality), everyone must be familiar with it. VR glasses, VR games, VR movies... In recent years, various VR products have sprung up like mushrooms. In trendy gaming venues, VR gaming equipment is almost a must Prepared. All this seems to announce the arrival of the era of VR.

But do you know? VR technology was first developed in aerospace. As one of the originators of the development of VR technology, NASA has established a variety of VR training systems in its Ames Research Center, and has established a VR education system that can be used nationwide. China, ESA, etc. are also increasingly applying VR technology to the aerospace field.

Let's take a look at how the VR technology can help explore space!

VR simulator

Boost simulation training

Before astronauts perform space missions, they must complete a large amount of training on the earth, including rotation, exercise, and tasks that change every day. The simulated environment has always been important in the training of astronauts.

Whether it is the space exploration programs such as the Mercury Project, the Gemini Project or the Apollo Project, astronauts must spend at least 1/3 of their training time on the simulator.

For this reason, in the VR laboratory of the Johnson Space Center, NASA used VR technology to build a completely realistic space environment, so that astronauts on the earth seem to be in space, they can better conduct space training and adapt to the upcoming Space mission.

In addition, the Marshall Space Flight Center in the United States has developed a VR cockpit for manned spacecraft, instructing the cockpit layout design and training astronauts to familiarize with the spacecraft's cabin layout, interface and positional relationship, and practicing flight procedures.

As one of the world's three largest astronaut training grounds, the China Astronaut Research and Training Center built a virtual training system for astronauts' coordinated operation in space in 2013 using projection 3D technology.

In this system, astronauts can experience the surrounding environment with multiple body positions, overcoming the defect that the physical simulator can only be trained with a single body position.

Moreover, VR technology can easily simulate the low-visibility cabin environment caused by smoke and pressureless water mist, which can help astronauts better complete emergency evacuation training in case of failure.

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