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VR Crime Scene Restoration System

- Feb 28, 2019-

VR crime scene restoration system


In the traditional court trial scene, the suspicious point restoration at the crime scene is mainly using photos and texts, oral descriptions, etc. The facts clarification and evidence display require a lot of time and effort. For the judicial system with limited manpower and numerous cases, the time and labor costs are high, which shows its weak points. 


The goal of this system can be restored through the VR crime scene and the first-person perspective. The public prosecutor, witnesses, expert appraisers, judges, etc. will be teleported to the place where the crime occurred, so that they could intuitively express and feel the case, achieve solving the trial question from the first trial in average, reduce the judicial cost of the second trial, and reduce the number of misjudgments.

The product has completed the 1.0 generation design and achieved customized case service. Next, the 2.0 generation system should focus on the upgrade from customization to generalized products through the scenes, characters, models, animations, story library and editors, so that the user can drag and drop to restore the crime scene and suspected cases.


At the same time, this system will continue to extend to the business side. For example, by using the accumulation of experience of excellent prosecutors to realize the intelligent identification, give the follow-up work suggestions and countermeasures of the suspected cases, and improve the efficiency of judicial trial work. It is expected to launch the new system in early 19th.


At present, the system has been applied in the trial process. In March 2018, Beijing No.1 Inspection Branch used the product for the murder trial. The witness wearing the VR helmet appeared in court and used the crime scene restoration system to “return” the murder scene for the procurator and judge to observe the case from multiple angles and seize reliable evidence.


Legal education interactive products

Legal education is also a key task of the political and legal system. In recent years, relevant policy documents on innovative law-enforcement methods have spawned new demand for legal display and interactive forms. This interactive product is a combination of professional real-time capture and other technical means, combined with professional content, which provides innovative law-enforcement solutions for "hardware + content" approach.


The real-time dynamic capture system is a system that realizes real-time full-body motion capture and virtual character performance through real-time human skeleton algorithm, using only six three-dimensional space detector capture technology. By using neural networks to accelerate real-time animation, combined with deep learning algorithms, the mouth shape and expression that convert human language and sound into virtual characters are realized.


In addition to the dynamic capture technology, the team also has success cases in the production of judicial content. The previous work "Mengwa Dialogue Prosecutor" has reached 100 million hits as a film that promotes legal education in the judicial system. 


At present, the products mainly use the 2G political and legal organ procurement model, and the average customer price is the hundreds of thousands to millions. It is estimated that the contract amount will be 10 million yuan in 2019.

According to statistics, there are 3,665 public security organs, procuratorial organs, and courts in China, totaling 10,995. Based on the average unit price of 1 million, the market scale is in the tens of billions, and the market is not small in the future with the expansion of the KF and universities.

There are not many players on the track. According to the 17-year financial report, the operating income of the listed company Huayu Science and Technology Court was 599 million yuan. The operating income of the procuratorate was 111 million yuan, and the income of the University of Science and Technology was 556 million yuan. When asked about competition, the founders believe that traditional players provide more technical outsourcing services. The design capabilities of general-purpose products and the production capacity of common law content are the core advantages of the source.

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