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The Three Suspense In VR/AR Industry

- Jan 05, 2019-

In the 2019 VR/AR industry, the three suspense, which one did you guess?

After the ups and downs of 2018, what exciting moments will the VR/AR industry usher in the new 2019?

This is a question that makes me very curious. Although there are often some unknown things that bring us surprises, there are also some suspense that we can predict in advance and the results are uncertain. Today I will share the three suspense of the VR/AR industry in 2019. I think they will be your interest.


Suspense 1: 6DoF dual handle VR machine will hot?

In the spring of 2019, we are about to usher in a super suspenseful VR machine, Oculus Quest, a product that is highly anticipated by industry practitioners and shoulders the burden of expanding the VR consumer market. In the eyes of the promoter and game god John Carmack, Oculus Quest's product positioning is a bit like a game console, but it is a VR game console: users only need to wear this device to enter the US wheel. The virtual world of the United States, while playing various VR games, can also communicate and interact with other players around the world in the virtual world.

Many people are full of curiosity about the performance and experience of this product, and the most important point for everyone is how its graphics processing capability, the actual experience of the dual-handle with Inside-Out positioning technology, and how much the game is available for players to play at the beginning of the product release.I think one of the core suspense behind these concerns is whether a VR all-in-one with 6DoF dual-handle will be welcomed by the consumer market. Obviously, it naturally includes performance, gameplay (interaction) and content.

In addition to Oculus Quest, we learned in 2018 that HTC VIVE will launch VIVE Focus's 6DoF development kit in 2019. In other words, in the next few months, we are very hopeful to see another HTC VIVE in the industry launching a VR all-in-one that supports 6DoF dual-handle, and the ensuing must be more fulfillment of this function. The model appears. Of course, the premise of all this is that the market can accept this product form.

Suspense 2: How fast is 5G driving speed for VR?

On December 1, 2018, SK Telecom, KT and LG U+, the three major telecom providers in South Korea, launched 5G services in parts of South Korea and sent the first 5G signals in Korea. This is the first commercial use of 5G mobile communication services in the world. In the Chinese market, in 2019, we will also greet domestic operators for commercial trials of 5G services.

How fast is 5G? According to 2018, European telecom giant Altice Portugal used Huawei prototype routers to demonstrate live 5G networks at a maximum speed of 1.5GB per second (ie 12Gbps).With the support of this high-speed mobile network, we will be super smooth when watching a high-definition movie online, including HD panoramic video.In addition, the high speed of 5G has made the popularity of cloud games and cloud VR possible. On July 18, 2018, China Mobile Fujian Company released the trial commercial of the world's first operator cloud VR business "and cloud VR". It is no exaggeration to say that 5G is close to us, how close is HD panoramic video and cloud VR, so the question is, how close is 5G to us?

Regarding 5G, I have heard both positive and negative voices: the positive voice believes that 5G will advance very quickly, trial commercialization in 2019, and commercial use in 2020; and negative voices believe that 5G needs due to its technical realization principle. Building a large number of base stations, and a large number of infrastructure and some other factors determine that 5G will not come so fast.In short, in 2019, I will pay close attention to the speed of domestic 5G business promotion, and I am concerned about how much it will promote the role of VR. There is a current view that VR content (video, games, etc.) is naturally the best filler for 5G high-speed networks, and once 5G becomes popular, do we have enough and good enough VR games/applications and panoramic video for 5G? The network is filling, which is also a very interesting question.

Suspense 3: Will popular consumer AR glasses appear?

The last suspense is about AR (MR). On a super auspicious day (August 8, 2018), the creator of the MR glasses Magic Leap One, which is highly regarded by the VR/AR industry and the global technology industry, is officially released in the United States, starting at $2,295.Although many technology media subsequently gave an evaluation that “experience is less than expected”, another reality is that this product is still the best MR glasses available.

In 2019, in addition to Magic Leap, in the AR/MR field, we have a bigger suspense, that is, whether Apple will introduce consumer-grade AR glasses.The more optimistic speculation is that Apple will launch this year, and the relatively pessimistic forecast will occur in 2020 (or even 2021).In any case, Apple has iterated two major versions of the ARK development tool component ARKit. When ARKit is about to launch version 3.0 this year, we can see a matching AR glasses.

HTC Vive (5)

These are the three suspense of the 2019 VR/AR industry in my eyes. Of course, if you think about it, you may have more suspense. For example, will there be more phenomena-level VR games like Beat Saber and whether the VR image market will develop further?In short, filled with speculation and suspense, this began in 2019, and as a viewer and participant in the VR/AR industry, I am very much looking forward to the story that will happen this year.

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