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Air China A350 Simulated Cabin VR Experience Landed In Chengdu

- Nov 26, 2018-

Air China A350 simulated cabin VR experience landed in Chengdu, live fans shouted fresh and good ahead

On November 24th, Air China's “Dream with Dreams” series of brand activities came to Chengdu Joy City. In order to create an immersive experience of the A350 model, the experience zone was arranged with real interior scenes to simulate the Air China A350 cabin environment, through the VR helmet and the handle allows the public to enjoy the new flight experience of the A350 wide-body long-range passenger aircraft.


In addition, through the creative interactive experience and immersive scene layout, the Rongcheng public will further appreciate the convenient experience brought by Air China's global route network across six continents in the deep experience of the six continents.


Through the cabin door shape, cabin real scene and VR experience interaction, Air China A350 simulates the cabin to guide the public to fully experience the new seat products and in-flight entertainment experience of the business class, economy class and economy class of Air China A350. The people who participated in the on-site experience said that the first time they felt the full-flat seat of the business class's anti-fish bone layout design, it was very fresh and very advanced.

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