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Movie Power & China Canton Fair

- Oct 19, 2023-

Movie Power appeared at the Canton Fair and "Intelligent Manufacturing" created new fans with new strengths


On October 19, the 5-day 134th Canton Fair came to a successful conclusion.
The exhibition hall was crowded with people, including foreign businessmen and merchants.
Movie Power takes the lead in new products with VR.
Time and Space Ride Mini debuted at the Canton Fair.
Once again refreshing the sensory extreme experience of domestic and foreign merchants.



Introduction to China Canton Fair
The Canton Fair is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of Guangdong Province and hosted by the China Foreign Trade Center. It is known as China's No. 1 exhibition and a barometer and weather vane of China's foreign trade.




As a rare high-tech amusement and amusement equipment exhibitor at the Canton Fair, Movie Power also brought its world premiere new product - VR Space Ride Mini, which has attracted the attention and favor of foreign buyers.



The booth was completely surrounded ↑



Experience the constant screaming of the VR space ride Mini

Many customers were attracted by the cool shape of our new space-time ride mini and the screams of those who experienced it. Everyone gathered to watch, take photos and experience it.


Customers from Brazil were full of praise after experiencing VR space ride mini ↑




Customers from Vietnam came to the exhibition and went straight to space ride mini↑



Click to learn more about  VR Space Ride Mini


Thank you to the customers who have traveled thousands of miles to come to China, to the Canton Fair, and to Movie Power.
We will work harder to provide you with better quality "intelligent" products made in China for you coming from afar!



If you want to know more about Movie Power products, welcome to Movie Power Industrial Park!


Iphone: +86-18027386365


Address:No. 42-1 Shixin Road, Panyu District Guangzhou, China.


Whatsapp: 008618027386365

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