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We Can Experience VR Storm Disaster In The Beijing Technology Week

- May 22, 2018-

 Science and Technology Week Exhibitions were held at the Wall Relics Park. A number of technology experience projects such as VR storm disaster experience and 3D experience hall have attracted the participation of the park's citizens. When a heavy rain hits the mountainous area, we see that a mudslide occurs. Is it driving or running to an empty place? Citizens wear VR helmets as if they were faced with the disaster site. The computer gives the correct signal when the Participant chooses to flee along the vertical height of the mudslide movement. The Meteorological Bureau has brought a number of weather enthusiasts to the VR egg chair and VR storm disaster experience project that simulates the use of aircraft for artificial rainfall. "This kind of immersive experience is particularly helpful to children and can deepen their impression of self-help knowledge," said the parent who participated in the event.



In addition to the main exhibition display activities, Chaoyang District will also set up branch venues in various street and rural areas, innovative popular science communities and popular science experience halls, and science popularization bases, from energy conservation and environmental protection, science and technology life, health and health, public Safety, disaster prevention and reduction, science and technology for the benefit of the people, urban agriculture and other activities.


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